Friday, May 13, 2016

Which 'Les Miserables" Character Are You Most Like?

Which 'Les Miserables' Character Are You Most Like?

 Having a similarity to one of our favorite fictional characters and really being able to understand what makes them (and us) 'tick' is a beautiful thing.
Because even though they are fictional, they can still teach you so much about yourself, about what kind of person you are and what inspires and impassionates you.

Take the below quiz to find out which 'Les Miserables' character you most resemble, then come back here and tell me your result!
Character Quiz:

My result:

 You are Enjolras! You are extremely passionate about what you believe in, you care deeply about your freedom and your country. You are a leader and a true political junkie. You would give your life for the future and a higher call.  You have strong morals but are not legalistic about them, you are not afraid to speak the truth to your friends though when you feel they are going astray.  You were a voice of those who could not speak.

. . . . .

What other fictional character(s) do you think you resemble? What beliefs and values do you share with them?

Do tell in the comments below!




I thought it was about time that I started a blog where I could ramble and rave about my love for Les Miserables, all things bookish, tea, rainy days, book reviews, rocking chairs, other fabulous movies and generally scream my little fangirl heart out about anything and everything that comes to mind. My other fandoms will occasionally make an appearance; I'm sure. 
Expect a wide variety of craziness to issue forth from this blog as I try and document the thoughts of me, and where I can shriek about all of my favorite things in one place, and no-one will judge...because we are all crazy here!

Thanks for stopping by and come back soon, as I try and formulate my thoughts and begin posting on this newly formed bloggie!

Vive Le France!

My code name on this blog shall be Eponine, because "I'm batman!" 

Actually, no-just because I can and I love sweet Eponine! ;)
